Safety Program

Industrial Roofing and Construction emphasizes the importance of a safety culture within our organization every day. Safety knowledge and compliance are key foundational components that are critical to the current and future success of our company. At IRC, we have a strong conviction that accidents and injuries are unacceptable within our organization. We firmly believe that through effective safety measures, our company and our industry benefits directly, through reduced costs, and indirectly, through improved morale and increased productivity.
With an OSHA trained on-staff safety director, it is an IRC commitment to provide our labor force with the necessary tools needed to make the best safety choices every time they enter a job site or step on to a roof. This same commitment extends to our customers to whom we uphold the highest standards with respect to all facets of safety while on their premises.
Whether it is on-site safety meetings, MSDS report organization, detailed activity training procedures or any other critical safety component, Industrial Roofing and Construction will be at the forefront of industry leadership.
IRC corporate safety criteria includes:
- A clear definition of safety expectations and requirements
- IRC makes safety a line management responsibility and demands accountability
- IRC incorporates safety into the business process as an operational strategy
- IRC utilizes pro-active rather than reactive health and safety measurements
- IRC management leads safety management from top down…a culture commitment
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